Begins shooting landscapes that eventually appear in his 1980 monograph From the Missouri West.
His work is included in the exhibition New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape,
at the George Eastman House, Rochester, New York.
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“The pictures prove nothing. One has already seen in one’s own life the pictures’ justification, Form, or one hasn’t. The pictures are just reminders.”
—From a lecture given at the International Center of Photography, New York, 1977
Publishes denver.
Photographs in Wyoming, Utah, California, and Colorado for the AT&T centenary project to document the American landscape.
“West of Grand Junction, Colorado—October: Alone down a silent road in sagebrush country this morning. Hot; no sound of wind or bird or insect.
There had earlier been an oil company helicopter, its beating noise suddenly audible behind rimrock to the east; it came low and fast, and was almost
at once gone over a hill to the west. Then the silence returned, absolute.”
—From notes made in 1978
His work is included in the exhibition Mirrors and Windows: American Photography since 1960 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.